Thursday, January 2, 2020

Zekula Cast


The protagonist of the series, Zingy the aye-aye is a mischievous, fun-loving free spirit. He lives on the uncharted island of Zekula with his aye-aye family in a huge tree known as the Family Tree. His out-of-the-box ideas and pranks are often unappreciated by his family, especially Krag, the family leader. His only friend in the family is Ripple, a little girl aye-aye, one of his young cousins. He is constantly being pursued by Blister, a rogue reptile who wants Zingy for his supper, but the aye-aye manages to elude him at every turn.
While he can be cocky and rather impulsive, jumping into situations without thinking, Zingy does have a good heart. He develops a soft spot for Ripple and looks out for her like a big brother.

Often mistaken for some other animal or called a freak, Zingy is very sensitive about this and can get sore when this happens. He is also known to have quite a lot of attitude toward predators, particularly the rogue reptiles of the island.

Even in the darkest situations, Zingy does not give up and relies on his brains most of the time to reverse a problem.


Zingy's best and(almost) only friend, little Ripple is a sweet, wide-eyed innocent who's curiosity knows no bounds. Easily distracted, she is fascinated by the wonders of the island. This can work for her or against her, depending on the situation.
While most of the aye-aye family gets annoyed with Zingy, Ripple absolutely adores him and looks up to him as both a father figure(since she lost her real father to the rogue reptiles) and as the brother she never had. Zingy will sometimes use Ripple to pull off one of his pranks, which she obliviously goes along with. But Zingy overtime goes soft for the youngster, for she is a lot more forgiving and appreciative of his ideas and antics. Ripple also proves to be brave and loyal.

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